Las trenzas: una tendencia sin fin
Las trenzas: una tendencia sin fin Read More »
Mi problema de pérdida del cabello comenzó cuando tenía 19 años. Si a esa edad, muy joven verdad. Cuando era niño siempre me imagine usando el pelo largo y vigoroso como los cabellaros de las películas. No sea que tenían pero tenía esa obsesión con mi cabello y de como podría llegar a lucir. Pero
Crónicas de un calvo. Read More »
Yes, there is a whole month every year dedicated to Hair Loss Awareness. Since it affects over 50 million men and 30 million women in the US alone, it is important, right? With the significance society has placed in our appearance, it’s not surprising that billions of dollars are invested yearly on preventing and treating
National HAIR LOSS Awareness Month Read More »
Cuidado del Cabello Ya sea liso o rizado, largo o corto, negro o rubio, siempre vas a querer que tu cabello tenga volumen mantenga su brillo. Aquí podrás encontrar algunos consejos y trucos para lograr ese “look” perfecto que tanto deseas. CORTE Es importante que seas constante con tus cortes de cabello. Esto logrará que
Qué Hacer para darle volumen a tu pelo. Read More »
In the entertainment industry, celebrities constantly impose styles and aesthetics. They always look kind of “perfect” and are always changing their appearance, sometimes in extreme ways. Female celebrities rituals like makeup, hair dye, and styling tools, used to achieve that “perfect” look, do come at a price: unwanted side effects like dry skin, or early
Hair Loss from Hair Extensions Read More »
Female hormonal and physical changes occur throughout life. In adolescence, the onset of menstruation; in youth, the reproductive stage; and in adulthood, menopause, which is caused by a hormonal deficit occurring between your 40s and 50s. Women in menopause experience a variety of symptoms, hair loss being the most noticeable. Research suggests that menopause is
Blaming menopause for thinning hair? Read More »
Hair loss is no surprise to anyone; for centuries men and women have suffered psychological blows to see their reflection in the mirror and to find their scalp becoming more noticeable each day. In men, hair loss occurs in the frontal area and lateral sides of the forehead, studies indicate that 35 million Americans experience
Hair Loss in Nelson Read More »
You might have heard about the latest thin hair trend – hair fibers. If you haven’t, you might be wondering what in the world they are. Hair fibers are pretty much what they sound like – fibers that attach to your hair. There are a variety of types, including wool and keratin. No matter what
What are Hair Fibers and how to get the most out of them? Read More »
You may have heard a lot about parabens lately, or at least seen products on the shelf that say “paraben-free” or “No harmful parabens!” Naturally, you might be wondering what is so wrong with parabens? And how many have you been exposed to in your lifetime? Much like other things we now know are unhealthy
What are Parabens and Why You Should Avoid Them? Read More »
Most men expect thinning hair as they age, but that doesn’t mean they’re happy when it starts happening! If you’re a man struggling with thinning hair – or you want to prevent thinning hair – here are seven things you can do to make your hair look its best. 1. Only wash your hair
7 Thinning Hair Tips for Men Read More »
Pregnancy is an exciting time and, for some women, it can be a time for great hair, glowing skin, and tons of delicious food. But as some women near the end of their pregnancy, they might notice some changes in their hair –like excessive shedding or even bald spots! Unfortunately, this is a side effect
Losing Hair During Pregnancy? What Should You Do? Read More »
When you’re struggling with the appearance and volume of your hair, you probably think it’s just your hair that’s the issue. But in most cases, it’s actually your scalp that influences the appearance and texture of your locks. That’s why a healthy scalp is the best way to get healthy hair. If you’re wondering what
A healthy scalp for better hair Read More »
As we age, we know there are just some things that don’t “fit” with our new styles and personalities. Sometimes, there’s also the element of practicality – we just don’t want to deal with the hassle of certain hairstyles, hair color or products. Reaching your 40s is a huge milestone for anyone, but it’s also
How to Choose the Right Hair Color in Your 40s Read More »
Whether you’re a man or a woman, you probably assume that hair loss comes with age. For men, balding is somewhat common, especially as you near retirement you start to see the crown thinning. Women assume that thinning hair and hair loss will come when they are much older. So what do you do if
6 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Your 20’s and 30’s Read More »
Hair dye products are everywhere and to be honest with you: we love them! There are plenty of colors to choose from, plenty of styles to create, you can even wear many colors at the same time. The possibilities are endless. But, have you ever wonder when did people start dyeing their hair? Some studies
Did you know that August is the Hair Loss Awareness Month? The American Academy of Dermatology has designated August as so. We could say that Alopecia is due to some sort of evolution and humans will eventually lose their hair and be forever bald. We all hope this won’t happen. The truth is that Alopecia is more
August: The Hair Loss Awareness Month Read More »
If you wear almost every day the same hairstyle, without knowing it, you may be damaging your hair and promoting hair loss. Even if you look great it’s not recommended to always follow the same pattern when it comes to hairstyle. So, is your hairstyle the cause of your hair loss? The kind of hair
Is your hairstyle the ultimate cause of your hair loss? Read More »
Whether it is straight or curly, long or short, blonde or black, you always want your hair to have volume and remain shiny. Here you will find some tricks and tips to achieve the perfect look when it comes to your hair. Haircut It is important to keep up with regular haircuts. This will
Ways to add volume to your hair Read More »
When it comes to hair, there are many ways to wear it: short, long, straight, curly, etc. No matter the style, you always want it to look healthy and shiny. Believe it or not, what you eat affects your hair in one way or another. It’s important to supply your body with vitamins and minerals
Eat your way to healthy hair Read More »
Jared is a bartender from South Africa. He is kind of shy but definitively takes care of himself and the way he looks. He is in his early 20’s and already a slight thinning process has started on the top of his head. After trying Hairatin Fibers, he noticed the difference in seconds. It’s not
Crônicas de um Calvo Uma História de Perda do Cabelo Meu problema de perda do cabelo começou quando tinha 19 anos. Sim, nessa idade, muito jovem é verdade. Quando era criança sempre me imaginei usando o cabelo longo e vigoroso como os cavaleiros dos filmes. Eu não sei o que era, mas tinha essa obsessão
Crônicas de um Calvo Read More »
A Hair Loss Story My hair loss story started when I was nineteen years old! Yes, that early. When I was a kid I always imagined myself wearing this long, beautiful hair like one of those movie knights. I don’t know what it was, but I had this obsession with hair and the way it
Chronicles of a Bald Man Read More »