How to Fix a Patchy Beard

Gentlemen, there is no doubt that we are in an era of revival: the resurrection of the full beard. From bankers and businessmen all the way to bad boys and baristas, everyone seems to be growing a beard. And why not? It’s a fun way of changing your style without doing anything permanent.

This is great news for guys that can grow a beard, right? Thick, full and dense. But what those who can’t? For many of us, the idea of a fuller beard is a fairy tale. It’s just so out of our reach that some of us have given up on it. 

But let me tell you, there are a few things we can do to minimize the appearance of a patchy beard. You can improve what you have and make it better, thicker and fuller. The good news is, unlike the hair on the head, over time, as we age, the beard and sideburns will become denser.

READ: When Do Men Start Really Losing Hair?

But you don’t want to wait until you get older, so we’re going to give you tips you can do now to enhance the facial hair you have.

Our Tips

Tip 1: Grow it out. Most of the time you probably started growing it out and once you saw those patches and the hair going nuts, you trimmed it… Give it a month, a full month.

Sometimes all it takes is length. And if not, go to your groomer with long facial hair and ask him to shape it. He will leave your facial hair longer in the surrounding areas of the bald spots in order to cover those patches. Not that hard if you have a good groomer.

Tip 2: Brush your beard. Use a beard brush (it has wood handles and boar’s hair bristles). Brush it mornings and evenings. What you will be doing is training that hair to grow in a specific direction.

Now, if you have a bald spot or less hair in a certain area, what you should do is brush the hair around it in the direction of that spot to help cover it.


Tip 3: Even your beard out with a Beard Concealer. These are color brushes that will create the illusion of more hair in a certain area. They can also conceal grays or even out different hair tones on the beard and head. You will get a fuller beard in seconds!

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